Welcome to Tri-Lakes Community Preschool

You are entering the world of the child. If the furniture is uncomfortable and too small for you, remember that it fits us just fine. If you must walk around our games, toys and structures, remember that it is through this kind of manipulation and experimentation that we learn. If we are noisy as we work, it is because we are learning to live with each other. If we come to talk to you, don't be surprised. We are open, friendly and curious, and we want to know you as our friend. Enjoy our world and when you leave, we hope you carry with you some of our enthusiasm for living and learning.

Monument Colorado Preschool

Offering the highest quality, developmentally appropriate preschool program in Monument, CO.

Tri-Lakes Community Preschool (TLCP) is a non-profit organization offering a high quality, developmentally appropriate preschool program focusing on the family being a partner in the child’s education. We are also proud and active participants in the Colorado Preschool Program (CPP), which serves young children in Colorado who face educational challenges due to family, economic or developmental concerns.

Our goal is that each individual child can grow physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively. We offer a safe, stimulating environment with materials and activities that are appropriate for the child's age and abilities so they can explore, grow and learn. Find out more about our Curriculum and what we can offer your child!

Kind Words...